Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blurb - "Opener"

This is just a short little opening piece to introduce our main character, Jane, and to start the story. Jane enters on the streets of New York, trying to sell matches at the end of the great depression. When no one will buy, she sits down by a wall and begins to tell her story.

Character: Jane
Favorite Line: "Can you spare a dime? A little time? To help a poor girl out..."
Hardest line to write: "And I can't go home/ I'm lost and out of time..."
Why: I couldn't actually write this line until we had a plot, and I changed it several times once we did, because it kept sounding way too awkward... I finally figured out that this line works, and ran with it.



Please, sir, will you buy a match?
Can you spare a dime?
A little time?
To help a poor girl out...

Please, sir... I am all alone.
And I can't go home
I'm lost and out of time

My story is familiar, yet never heard before
The story of a girl who was in love with a boy
But she never even knew
Til their hearts had broke in two
And she was gone...