Friday, November 21, 2014

Blurb - "A Dream for You and I"

This song is is where Jane is finally fed up with everything and decides she needs to leave her Grandmother's home and try and strike out on her own. When Kai tries to stop her, she gets upset and tries to explain to him why she needs to leave. In response, Kai tells her he loves her, which of course causes her to completely freak out and run off. This song goes directly into Kai's ballad, "My Angel," which closes Act 1.

Characters: Jane and Kai
Favorite Line: "What about stars?/Aren't they made for wishing?/If every soul is meant to ascend to such heights/why wait til we're gone?"
Hardest Line to Write: The dialogue, actually.
Why: I'm not used to integrating dialogue into my lyrics, and everything I wrote sounded stupid to me, but Tony said it sounds okay, so I guess it works.

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